News: How to complement your company's financing with alternative financing?

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Treasury management, the search for financing and ensure access to liquidity is one of the most important points for companies and one of the bases for their growth and development.,  and therefore the CFO should not leave it aside. This is why the ability of companies to find the right  and ensure access to that funding is what will decide its capacity  in order to develop your business plan.

The companies currently have access to various sources of financing that serve as a complement to traditional bank financing and are in many cases of equal importance to this traditional form of financing.      

In these years we have encountered diversification in corporate financing from the corporate finance function. public through different lines like ICO, CESCE and EIB funds. In parallel and all this due to to banking concentration and investor liquidity in the capital market hasn made to appear another type of alternative and complementary financing with a number of entities and debt funds, such as Finalbion, which offer companies access to direct financing against their balance sheets, . The differential characteristics of this type of financing, is not to have an impact  in CIRBE, manage agile resolution times and in most cases without additional collateral and mortgage guarantees, which make more expensive and lengthen times  in many cases.

The alternative financiers found in the market are diverse in terms of their product offering (usually covering a financing niche), funding sources (crowdfunding, institutional investors) and operational base with which they relate to funders and clients (technology platforms).

It is important that corporate treasurers, CFOs and the management team understand the different types of alternative financing propositions available to them in order to assess at any given time the possibilities and options they have with these new market players.

Finalbion tries to adapt to the needs of companies by offering working capital financing both from the suppliers' side and from the customers' side.The customer side, with Reverse Factoring (Confirming), from the customer side with Factoring, as well as against the company's balance sheet with loans for cash flow needs.  

The incorporation of an alternative and complementary financier, such as Finalbion, reinforces a company's access to financing and liquidity with the incorporation of an actor that operates differently from banks and the public sector.

With this reinforcement and diversification in the structure of financial backers  companies  can freeing up borrowing capacity with banks for other purposes, re making purchases of raw materials at times when prices can be profitable, financesr campaigns specificThe loan is a bridge loan for inorganic growth while seeking longer-term financing, which in many cases takes longer to resolve and study.